kerry, bacon and all kept me so busy in austin that there was no time for last week's friday five, that's why it's a vacation though, yeah? on to this weeks five!
01. where the wild things are - i was so psyched to see this at the
alamo draft house theater while i was in austin and, at least for me, it totally delivered. i thought it was completely gorgeous. it made my heart hurt the whole time, and tears stream down my face the whole last 1/3 of the movie, but in an amazing way. for me it was a study in just how hard it is to be a family and the things we are all afraid of. everyone else who i've talked to who has seen it hasn't really been into it, but has at least been able to admit that it's beautiful to watch and that it's pretty amazing what they could do with 7 or 8 lines in a children's book. i can't be alone in loving it though! anyone?
02. the new moon soundtrack - so i've already gushed about the death cab single from this album, but now it's available for complete download! there's a couple of misses for me, but the lykke li song, "possibility" is warm, syrup-y and cozy and the bon iver/st. vincent track, "roslyn" is also really hauntingly pretty. it's a pretty good listen almost all the way through, especially for a cloudy fall day (or forks washington). i have to say though, bella's oh-i'm-falling-apart-and-risking-my-life-because-a-dude-left-me attitude was a little annoying in the book, but the
trailer for the movie, with the stammering, rapid blinking, collapsing & screaming is really making me kind of grossed out. is it possible i'll not see it?
03. frank - austin was very much about lots of awesome food. kerry had heard about
frank from someone and so her, drew and i headed there for dinner one night while i was visiting and it was amazing! they make their own sausage and hot dogs and offer them in amazing combinations. their classic hot dog stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon and then fried was so yummy that i ordered a second, haha. we were a little curious about their choice of bacon infused makers mark though. if you're in austin you need to check it out.
04. heels! - while i was in austin kerry's friends were having a mad men themed party, so we teased in some
bumpits, put on some awesome mad men era clothes and kerry charmed me into some heels, which i never ever wear! i borrowed a pair of her dknyc heels and fell so in love with them that i've already purchased them and they are on their way to me now. i have to say, i might actually follow through on my autumn intention to wear heels!
05 . kerry & bacon - kerry & bacon made my austin trip completely amazing, as always ,and i can't wait to blog it and scrap it! love you guys!